Str. Ion I.C. Brătianu | 400079 Cluj-Napoca | România
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Dragoş Mihai Cohal - The Interpretation of Arvo Pärt's Choral Works. A Conductor's Vision

Cristina Eleonora Pascu - At the Piano with Alfred Cortot: Cluj Artists at the École Normale de Musique

Alexandra Magazin - Composer Marcel Mihalovici. A Biography

Nicoleta Demian (coordinator) - Choreographic Psychopedagogy

Paula Șandor - Stylistic Aspects in the Chamber Music of Composer Adrian Pop

Cristina Șuteu - In honorem Cornel Țăranu

Murariu BIanca

Bianca Murariu - The Romanian Piano Concerto in the Historical-Stylistic Context of the First Decades of the 20th Century


Aurelian Băcan - The Compositional Act: From the Composer's Interpretation Perspective

Coperta Ana Ruth

Ana-Ruth Micula - Neoclassical Compositions for Two Pianos in the First Half of the 20th Century

 Velescu beethoven

Alexandru Veleșcu - The Timpani in Beethoven's Symphonic Composition

Velescu Haydn

Alexandru Veleșcu - The Timpani in the Symphonies of Haydn and Mozart

Coperta Nicoleta Demian cipop

Nicoleta-Cristina Demian - Choreographic Techniques. Ballet Handbook

Coperta Nicoleta Demian web small

Nicoleta-Cristina Demian - The Metamorphosis of Symbolic Gesture in Contemporary Dance

Alexandru Ștefan Murariu - Aspects of Sound Spatialization in Own Creation

Coperta Seeing Sounds

Bianca Ţiplea Temeş, Nicholas Cook - Seeing Sound, Hearing Images


Bianca Țiplea Temeș, William Kinderman - Folk Music as a Fermenting Agent for Composition, Past and Present

 Bianca Ţiplea Temeş, Jim Samson - Reconfiguring musical cultures in Central and Southeastern Europe

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