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Coperta Ana Ruth

Ana-Ruth Micula - Neoclassical Compositions for Two Pianos in the First Half of the 20th Century

The volume "Neoclassical Compositions for Two Pianos in the First Half of the 20th Century" (Ana-Ruth Micula's doctoral thesis) reveals a sustained process of musicological research and professional piano study undertaken by a very young performer endowed with exceptional analytical strength, a genuine passion for knowledge, and literary communication talent - rarely encountered at her generation's level. The ability to research in a vast English-language literature, the science of summarizing, synthesizing, adapting information to the demonstrative requirements of scientific discourse, humanizing the analysis with contextual details, and extending it into a lively, unconventional hermeneutic commentary are features that define the author's profile.

Laura Vasiliu

Number of pages: 244

ISBN 978-606-645-183-3