Paula Șandor - Stylistic Aspects in the Chamber Music of Composer Adrian Pop
Paula Sándor began her musical studies at the School of Arts (now the College of Arts) in Baia Mare, her hometown, where she benefited from the guidance of teachers Diana Balea (piano) and Vasile Cupșe (classical singing). She became a student at the "Gheorghe Dima" Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca in 2009, developing her musicological skills alongside Prof. Dr. Gabriel Banciu and Prof. Dr. Pavel Pușcaș, but also during her Erasmus mobility at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz in the period 2011-2012.
Over time, Paula Sándor's musicological activity materialized through participation in international conferences such as Stylistic Directions in Contemporary Musical Creation within the International Festival "Sigismund Toduță" (Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima," Cluj-Napoca, May 13-18, 2013) or The Science of Music - Excellence in Performance International Conference (Transilvania University of Brașov - Faculty of Music, 9th edition, October 30 - November 1, 2019). The author's list of publications includes articles in specialized volumes such as the Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov (2019) - the work Poetic Aspects in the Chamber Music of Adrian Pop, Doctoralia (Proceedings of the Symposium of Young Researchers "Romeo Ghircoiașiu," National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" Cluj-Napoca and "Sigismund Toduță" Doctoral School Cluj-Napoca, 2020) - the work Baroque Presences in the Chamber Music of Adrian Pop, etc. Additionally, the work Ludus Quintet by Ciprian Pop - Why Ludic? carried out within the National Contemporary Music Analysis Competition (2nd edition, Cluj-Napoca, 2012) was awarded the first prize and published in the competition volume.
In 2020, after publicly defending her thesis titled "The Chamber Music of Composer Adrian Pop" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gabriel Banciu), Paula Sándor was awarded the prestigious title of Doctor of Music (summa cum laude) from the "Gheorghe Dima" National Academy of Music in Cluj-Napoca. This accomplishment crowned and affirmed the author's interest in the analytical aspects of the creation of the Cluj-Napoca composer, an interest manifested throughout the years of study.
Number of Pages: 203
ISMN 979-0-707664-99-5
ISBN 978-606-645-229-8