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The Journal named Information and Communication Technologies in the Musical Field focuses on the issues related to the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in music, aiming to provide a theoretical and applied platform for the artistic world.

Category B (CNCS - National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education).

Publication: biannual, bilingual (RO, EN) [Romanian and English].

ISSN 2067-9408
On-line ISSN 2069-654X

Journal site here:


Musicology Papers Journal

The research themes reflected in the hundreds of studies published in Musicology papers  are extremely diverse: Romanian musical creation, especially that of Cluj, aspects from all eras, styles, and modes of materializing universal musical creation, aspects of musical life and Romanian music education, music pedagogy, folklore research, and much more. From these studies emerge partial conclusions about musical life in Cluj and other cities in Romania or abroad.

Category B (CNCS - National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education).

Publication: annual, bilingual (RO, EN) [Romanian and English].

ISSN 2285-0031
ISSN-L 1222-894X

Journal site here:


The journal Music Cognition publishes theoretical and experimental articles on studies in the field of music. It covers a wide range of topics related to all different aspects of cognition. Contributions from the fields of psychology, education, musicology, neuroscience, computer science, mathematics, ethology are welcome in this journal, which serves as a forum for discussion in the intersection of art and science.

Publication: annual

ISSN: 2601-3193
Online-ISSN  2601-3207

Journal site here:


Mozart Studies is an annual journal edited by the Romanian Mozart Society (RMS) and the National Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" (Academia Națională de Muzică „Gheorghe Dima” – ANMGD), based in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). The main goal of the journal is to regularly publish the papers presented at the Mozart symposia, organized every year by RMS within the Mozart Festival in Cluj-Napoca. Other contributions on topics related to Mozart's opera and its interpretation, or the music of his time, are also welcomed.

ISSN 2821– 7470
ISSN-L 2810 – 5915

Publication: annual

Journal site here: